Formal and informal writing-Major differences


Developing your writing capabilities is an important part of your study at university. You need to understand the different types of academic writing you’re required to use and how to plan and structure EssayWriter.College work and appropriately acknowledge your references.

Academic writing is generally quite formal, objective (impersonal), and technical. It is formal by avoiding casual or conversational language, such as contractions or informal vocabulary. It is impersonal and objective by avoiding direct reference to people or feelings, and instead emphasizing objects, facts, and ideas. It is technical by using vocabulary specific to the discipline.

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Different disciplines also have different styles and structures of writing. For example, some disciplines, such as in the humanities, expect longer paragraphs from an essay writer which include topic sentences to show how your argument is structured.

Other disciplines, for example in the sciences, expect short paragraphs, with no topic sentences, which are denser in factual information.

To be a good academic writer, you will need to learn the specific styles and structures for your discipline, as well as for each individual writing task. Some ways to do this are to:


When writing a letter, the writing style plays a very important role, especially when the letter is addressed to some respected or high-value person. There are two writing styles, i.e. Formal Writing and Informal Writing, wherein a formal piece of writing is one that must be clear, properly framed, and well organized. On the other hand, Informal Writing is often understood as casual writing, which uses colloquial language.

Our choice of the form of paper writing service mainly depends on the fact – to whom we are writing to?

 Secondly, the matter we are going to discuss in our write-up also decides the writing style, because if we are writing on a serious matter, then an informal way of writing will not be considered suitable in that case.

So, in this  publication, you will get to know the details of these two writing styles along with their do’s and don’ts


Definition of Formal Writing

A formal piece of writing is used when we do not have any idea of the person, or when we know the person but haven’t exchanged words, or we are not having familiar terms with the person who receives the letter. You can also see samples on sites like write my essay.

 Here, we use formal language which indicates dignified and deferential regard for the reader. It is used when writing for academic, professional, and legal purposes.

Formal Writing is a bit difficult as we have to consider some important points to be kept in mind with respect to:


Definition of Informal Writing

The informal style of writing is one used for personal and casual conversation, wherein friendly and colloquial language is used.

 In an informal writing style, a personal and emotional tone is used, and the reader is directly referred to by the words ‘you’ or ‘your’. It is used when write my paper or personal emails, text messages, and letters to friends and family, etc. It is a direct form of writing which uses:


Key Differences between Formal and Informal Writing

The differences between formal and informal writing can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

  1. Formal writing is that form of writing which is used for business, legal, academic, or professional purposes. On the other hand, informal writing is one that is used for personal or casual purposes.
  2. Formal writing must use a professional tone, whereas a personal and emotional tone can be found in informal writing.
  3. In formal writing, the use of slang is not at all common, whereas we normally use slang in informal writing.
  4. When it comes to language, we use formulaic language in formal writing, which contains a set form of words. As against, informal writing is direct.
  5. We use passive voice in a formal piece of writing. In contrast, in an informal piece of writing, we use an active voice.
  6. In formal writing, linking words are used, instead of conjunctions which are used in the case of informal writing.
  7. In formal writing, interjections are usually avoided, and so exclamation marks are not used. Conversely, in informal writing, interjections are commonly used.
  8. In a formal piece of writing, when we refer to the audience 1st person plural or third person singular is used. On the contrary, in informal pieces of writing, we use the 1st person singular form to refer to the audience.


Both formal and informal writing is used in our day-to-day life but in different situations. We just need to think about the reader and the topic of your discussion, before choosing the writing style. When the topic is quite serious and objective, the formal writing style is suitable. It is also used when the write-up is addressed to some respectable person or institution.

On the other hand, informal writing is best suited when you are communicating with your family, friends, and acquaintances. Further, if the matter of discussion is not very serious, then also informal writing can be used, subject to, you are comfortable with the reader, in talking informally.


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